Thursday, July 23, 2009

Buzz From Pehpot

I tied a yellow ribbon for Tita Cory.. CLICK HERE FOR MORE!

My fellow bloggers I invite you to Touch a blogger: Tie a yellow ribbon for Cory Aquino! Very simply:

  1. Create an entry entitled: Touch a blogger: Tie a yellow ribbon for Cory Aquino!. A link to this original entry will be appreciated, but is not required.
  2. Post a yellow ribbon in your blog for President Cory Aquino. Whatever form of yellow ribbon that your creative imagination can come up with.
  3. Invite other bloggers to tie a yellow ribbon for Cory.

President Cory Aquino has done a lot for us Filipinos. She’s suffered more than enough. I might not agree with some of the things that she has done but that is beside the point. My respect is unconditional and I will thank this great woman for the biggest and most valuable gift that she has given us Filipinos – giving back our freedom and liberty. And as a blogger, there is not much that I can do, other than offer prayers for Cory Aquino.

More Pictures from She blogger meet..
She Blogger Meet Up 2 on the way!
Bee Mommy © 2010. Graphics Layout by Pehpot. Coded by kAyE.