Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Ways To increase Link Popularity

Another way to increase your Page Rank is to increase our link popularity. When I started blogging I do paid attention on how to increase Page Ranks and the likes. In some of my research I learned that link popularity is directly proportional to Page Rank. Link popularity is simply the amount of sites that are linked to yours. We sometimes call it back links. There are lots of way to increase link popularity but the question is the weight of the back links you are getting. A way to increase a quality back link is through directory submission.

There are lots of directories on the Internet. Some directories are paid ones but some are free web directory. It is very easy t submit your site in this directories. You just have to visit the site of a web directory like Yahoo directory and submit your site. Some requires a reciprocal link, some does not. Some web directories takes some time before they approve your site.

I highly suggest you start looking for a web directory to increase your link popularity. This is one of the first step a blogger should do when starting up a blog.


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