Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I Invite You To Make Invitations

We will busy again this week because our contest is about to start. Aside from that I am also turning 28 in a matter of weeks (my birthday is February 1). I am still thinking if I will have a small gathering or if we would just spend it in Tagaytay, like last year. My DSLR is turning a year older too. Do you think it is a reason to have a party? If ever I would I will send you invitations for the party. I found this great site on the net that offers CUSTOM made cards. I can just create an invitation from their wide selection of designs or I can ask them to make one for me.

The company is in Texas but they do work for customer across the country and from time to time they serve international costumers. They also make one of a kind announcements. I wish I had known them before I gave birth to Sati. I am positive that they can make a very UNIQUE announcement material for her arrival, just like the photo below.

Good thing there is always occasions every year, like now, I am already planning for my first born's graduation. This is my first time to attend to a graduation of my OWN kid, so I am really excited. I think I might order graduation announcements from them.


Tetcha said...

Happy New Year, Pehpot! I still owe you 1,000 EC credits for Gene's blogversary contest. Would you like to me transfer those credits here? Actually, I need to ask you how exactly that is done. Hehe!

Anonymous said...

Keep posting stuff like this i really like it

Anonymous said...

Baby shower invitations are in spite of everything the ideal variety of party invitations..it should be more special as well as convenient

Bee Mommy © 2010. Graphics Layout by Pehpot. Coded by kAyE.