- Blog to be link not less than 3 months old and with at least 20 post.
- Blog is not a spam.
- Blog is PR1 or higher.
- Blog's alexa is not greater than 1M
- How long have you been blogging?
- Who or what influenced you to start blogging?
- What are the hardships you encountered as a blogger? And how do you deal with it? You can talk about how blogging affects your time with your family or you can talk about how hard it was for you to change your dns setting etc.
- Mention some instances where you are very thankful that you are into blogging, like meeting new friends, winning in a blog contest, etc.
- 5 years from now, do you still see yourself as a blogger? If so, how are you by then? Example, 5 years from now, you will be managing 500 blogs.. etc.
- What are your shirt term goal as a blogger and how do you plan to make it happen? for example, PR5 o next Google update..
- What can you say to bloggers who are just starting out? What advice can you give?
I will be waiting for you.
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