Sunday, November 28, 2010

Title Zoning Out to Get In the Zone

Sometimes, looking over my to do list, I wonder where I can schedule "breathing" amongst my tasks. Honestly, it's so easy to run from one errand to another that having any rest at all is sometimes forgotten. The result? For me, at least, it's an overwhelming sense of burnout. Sometimes that just means I need to take a few minutes to recover; other times, it means I've pushed myself so far that I've gotten sick.

Whether it's a brief collapse or a week of feeling completely under the weather, being bulldozed like this is never a good thing. The only solution I've found is to insist on taking time for myself.

It's important to "zone out." Not only does it reduce stress, but it makes it easier to get "in the zone," quickly completing tasks and managing life's little difficulties. It's definitely true that zoning out happens in different ways for different people, but here are a few of my favorite tactics.

Read. Unlike watching TV or movies, reading gives you a story without the over-stimulation of a screen. You can curl up under the covers, by your favorite heater, on a couch, or even next to your sweetheart as you explore beautifully written fiction.

Play simple games. The more complicated and competitive games are usually more stressful than relaxing, but there are plenty of options — from board games to online casino games — that are simple enough to be soothing.

Working out. When you've been going on a treadmill for long enough, everything but your movement starts to disappear. For me, it's one of the best places to let it all go. Another great workout for de-stressing is yoga, where breathing and simple movements combine to help things feel simpler.

What are your favorite ways to recharge your emotional batteries between life's busy tasks?


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