Tuesday, October 27, 2009

TCP: Big Fish

This week's theme for TCP is magical movies. I thought of posting abot Harry Potter or The Lord of The Ring but decided not to.

This is my entry instead, BIG FISH. The story of a young man who is extraordinary. He had been through a lot of adventure. He managed to befriend a giant, catch a big fish and even escaped a war through a twin lady. He had a life full of adventure but he missed one thing, a time with his growing son.

I love this movie because of the magical creatures it presented and not all that, it gives focus on the relationship of a father and a son.


Mav said...

Mommy Pehpot, try watching Little Miss Sunshine. Its a "family movie" but with a little twist.


Bee Mommy © 2010. Graphics Layout by Pehpot. Coded by kAyE.